How would this sound underwater? I'm trying to approach these drawings in terms of shapes, and not really lines. I usually draw thinking of lines. Its how almost any drawing starts. And working as a traditional animator, you work almost completely with line drawings. I feel that drawings indicating blocks of light and shadow are stronger. And that's how I want to approach this. So I really have to unlearn a lot of what I am used to doing. This drawing is halfway there. But I still fell back on using lines to define some areas, as opposed to relying solely on shadow and light. And since there's no background, its hard to not throw in some outlines.
And yes, I think Namor will encounter a sea beast of some kind in this story. This was my second try at the beast. The first one looked more like a big carp. Started this on the train yesterday with a refillable brush, and then at home taped some other pages of my sketchbook to it and added the rest.